A platform proven to reduce costs for customers and losses for insurers.
Over-C empowers organisations to capture and act on risk,
operations & environmental insights in one place.
Our customers achieve amazing results
Better experiences start
with better insights
Risk Prevention Sensors
Automatically trigger dynamic actions from real-time data insights to make risk prevention part of your team's culture.

Task Compliance
Keep your finger on the pulse by automating compliance processes with Over-C’s frontline management analytics.

Sustainability Excellence
Build environmental benchmarking performance and sustainability capabilities into core business processes.

Dynamic Action Management
Get control of your team's complex frontline operations and live task performance feedback from one single platform.

Industrial IoT Productivity
Reimagine processes and empower teams to make smart decisions with connected industrial IoT services and data.
Call +44 20 7873 2352 or Request a consultation

Interested in learning more about how Over-C can help?
Call +44 20 7873 2352 or Request a consultation
“It’s exciting being predictable"
Get started with your personalised demo
Transform all users experiences
Jacqueline F.
H&S Inspector

Daily Objectives:
Operational Task Compliance · Safety and Security
Planned and Reactive Maintenance
Environment and Sustainability
Incident Response · Covid Safe
Customer Engagement · Tenant Relationships
- Operational Task Compliance
- Safety and Security
- Planned and Reactive Maintenance
- Environment and Sustainability
- Incident Response
- Covid Safe Environment
- Customer Engagement
- Tenant Relationships
What Over-C Brings
- Workers want technology to enable them in their work.
- Workers with access to technology are more engaged and satisfied with their job.
- Employee retention, reduction in churn.
- Employee empowerment and engagement.
- Optimised task efficiency.
- Preventative claim culture.
- Enhanced incident capture.
- Dynamic social media tasks (Twitter).
- Building and workers integrated via sensors.
- Reduction in operating costs.
- Increase in customer satisfaction and experience through better understanding and engagement by frontline workers.
- Working together as a team, collaborating to build the “centre community”.
- Learning, developing, improving themselves.
- Communicate and engage with each other and their managers.
- Simpler, paperless processes.
- Building knowledge and skills base.
- Development of super-user expertise.
- Recognition for contribution.
- Encourage ideas generation.
- Stimulate new ways of working.
Having questions? Find out more:
Karen W.
General Manager

Daily Objectives:
Operational Exceptions (what’s gone, going wrong)
Cost Optimisation · Assurance, Compliance
Business Continuity
Incident, Crisis Management
Customer Experience
Tenant Experience · Sustainability
New Business Opportunities
- Operational Exceptions (what’s gone, going wrong)
- Cost Optimisation
- Assurance, Compliance
- Business Continuity
- Incident, Crisis Management
- Customer Experience
- Tenant Experience
- Sustainability
- New Business Opportunities
What Over-C Brings
- Operate as one seamless team and retain key staff.
- Reduce cost, increase productivity – working smarter, leaner.
- Intelligent paperless processes.
- Live SLA & KPI monitoring, ease of reporting SLAs / KPIs against centre / strategic targets.
- Measuring outsourced partner / supplier performance.
- Data-driven optimised task efficiency through flexible configuration.
- Understanding environmental and sustainability performance.
- PR = environmental and sustainable venue.
- Insurance claim defensibility.
- Gain insights and predictive analytics.
- Get a reputation for exceptional customer experiences.
- Deliver tenants new levels of engagement, quality and service, offer 3rd party services enabled by smart use of technology.
- Drive more profitable and sustainable continuous innovation -understanding and learning from data, improving, moving forward.
- Run a better business – waste less time trying to work with out-of-date data, or having to work too hard assembling data from multiple sources.
- Recognise and celebrate operational successes and frontline worker performance.
Having questions? Find out more:
Roger P.
National Manager

Daily Objectives:
Measurement of SLA’s/KPI’s
Compliance, Risk Assurance · Crisis Management
Financial Reporting · Sustainability Performance
Attract New Tenants
Re-think Business Models to
Meet Tenant Expectations
- Measurement of SLA’s/KPI’s
- Compliance, Risk Assurance
- Crisis Management
- Financial Reporting
- Sustainability Performance
- Attract New Tenants
- Re-think Business Models to Meet Tenant Expectations
What Over-C Brings
- Full transparency across your portfolio on one platform, anywhere, anytime, at a centre, cluster, regional, national, executive level.
- Measure compare and contrast key supplier performance Leverage scale.
- Monitoring strategy and group annual objectives performance.
- Feed data and insights to executive team performance review, projects and initiatives.
- Reporting performance to groups of clients / landlords to enhance relationships through added value.
- Operational performance capabilities to attract new clients.
- Team collaborative strategies linked to business priorities Insight on the sentiments and feelings of customers and employees.
- Advanced benchmarking to share best practices.
- Empower your team to deliver quality everyday.
- Business transformation maximising resources.
- Real-time service usage to better understand operational and contractor costs.
- Automate business processes in response to IoT events.
- Monitor the health and safety of your staff and guests.
- Streamlined process optimisation based on real-time insights.
Having questions? Find out more:
Jim & Sophie C.

Customers’ Objectives:
Feel Comfortable and Safe · Smiley Engagement
Memorable Experience · Cleanliness, Child Friendly
Sociable and Eco Aware
- Feel Comfortable and Safe
- Smiley Engagement
- Memorable Experience
- Cleanliness, Child Friendly
- Sociable and Eco Aware
What Over-C Brings
A WoW customer experience
- A team culture that cares about guests.
- Effectiveness of support staff.
- Speed and professionalism of response to issues and incidents.
- Visibility of frontline staff utilising technology in their work to communicate with each other and deliver services.
- Workers not walking around with pieces of paper.
- Of course some customers will perceive staff are using mobile devices for personal use rather than focusing on the customer’s need – perception training required.
Sentiment Actions
- Responding to Twitter complaints using artificial intelligence and machine learning to convert complaint to task in real-time.
Having questions? Find out more:
Emma D.
Store Owner | Tenant

Customers’ Objectives:
Transparency – Value for Money Charges
Quality Spending Footfall
Surrounded by Good Brands
Clean, Safe, Secure Venue · Covid Safe
- Transparency
- Value for Money Charges
- Quality Spending Footfall
- Surrounded by Good Brands
- Clean, Safe, Secure Venue
- Covid Safe
What Over-C Brings
- Service cost, operational value.
- Ease of doing business with the centre management team as one – no differential between different service providers delivering different services.
- Reliable, effective communication.
- Speed and consistency of response to tenant queries / requests.
- Paperless, real-time evidence of tenant engagement to support tenant review meetings.
- Collaboration.
- Clarity and transparency of services provided, access to additional services as required.
- Event management support.
- Business continuity and incident management support.
- First response, key holder support, remote communication package.
- Operational support for shop-fit, deliveries, periodic and reactive maintenance.
- Consistency and efficiency of permit / contractor access.
Having questions? Find out more:
Our Digital Events
Stay up to date on the latest trends and innovations with live and on-demand webinars

The smart tech approach to reopening gyms safely
Tony McGrath, Smart Gym expert
James Murphy, Customer Success Manager
- 25.06.2021
- https://vimeo.com/698114030

On Demand Webinar – 3 Steps to Reopen Action Plan
Denis Murphy, Head of Operations at Over-C,
James Murphy, Head of Customer Success
- 28.05.2021
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NpEaa2P7qZI